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Trustee, Rev. Richard Hunter Providing Christmas Help in Partnership with Martin University


On Friday, December 11th, the Rev. Richard Hunter Ministries will partner with Martin University for the 25th Annual Christmas Help Program. The ministry plans to serve Indianapolis area families with 550 boxes of groceries.

"It's not just a meal. It's a week's worth of groceries we give them," Hunter said. He believes it's important that the food he gives out will last for an entire week so families can do other things with the money they would have spent on food. "Take the money you would have spent on groceries and make sure your utilities are on. If your child needs a toy, go buy a toy if they don't have one. Do those things to make Christmas more Christmas-y," Hunter said.

All Christmas Help boxes will be available for pick up at Martin University on Friday, December 11th between 9 am and 2 pm.

If you, or someone you know, could benefit from this year’s Christmas Help Program, please call 317-347-1690 from November 28th to December 9th by midnight to register. Please be sure to have a contact name, phone number, and family size when calling to register.

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