Martin University
Facility Rental
Facility Rental
Located on Indianapolis' urban east side, Martin University provides a welcoming and convenient location for conferences and special events. We offer multipurpose and classroom spaces. Martin University's event coordination team will help you identify your event requirements.
Facility Rental Policies
Two-week advanced notice is required to reserve space for all University-affiliated groups. Four-week advanced notice is required to reserve space for any external group to the University. Any request not providing the required advanced notice will only be considered if time permits.​
Facility access will be permitted fifteen (15) minutes before and after the rental. Access to space will be permitted for the reserved time only. Please include setup and strike times into your rental request.
Martin University handles the set up of University provided tables and chairs.
Martin University does not provide catering services. For events requiring outside catering services, the caterer must provide a copy of their vendor's license.
Black-Out Dates
As the University develops its yearly Academic and Activities Calendars, the University may not be able to accommodate your request for space. Some of those dates are identified below.
Black-Out Dates 2024 - 2025
Jan 1 - 3
January 15
March 11-15
March 29
May 27
June 19
July 4 - 5
September 2
November 27 - 30
Dec 1 - 3
Dec 23 - 31
Jan 1-6, 2025
Items included in your rental fee are listed as follows:​
Martin University-owned tables and chairs up to 400 people
Placement of tables and chairs
Use of University Connected PC & LCD Projector
Additional charges apply for the following:​​​
Additional fees will be assessed for early opening before 8 am or late closing beyond 11 pm.
A non-refundable deposit of $300.00 is required to reserve space. University departments are exempt from paying a deposit.
Reservations with a total invoice below $300.00 do not require a deposit.
Full payment is required for the balance outlined in the contract before accessing the facility. Arrangements for final payment, entrance to the facility, and other considerations must be made at least four business days before rental. Failure to meet this deadline may result in cancellation.