Undergraduate Programs
Teacher Prep Program: K-6th Grade
Martin University’s Teachers Prep Program for the training and licensing of highly qualified urban teachers is focused on education and service to children from preschool through sixth grade. This Education Program is unique in the traditional teacher preparation landscape. Grounded in research studies that demonstrate the importance of early childhood education in urban neighborhoods that endure ongoing poverty and lack of resources. Martin’s program will build on our current Early Childhood Education program and develop teachers who understand both the developmental and educational needs of preschool children, as well as the ongoing needs and expectations of children in elementary grades. This conceptual framework emphasizes both knowledge and service to develop teachers who effectively serve urban communities through an education that encompasses research and best practices in child development, early childhood education, elementary education, and culturally responsive teaching methods.
Teacher Prep Program: K-6th Grade Course Requirements
MAT 208 Math for Elementary Teachers I (3 Credit Hours)
HIS 172 Issues in American History (3 Credit Hours)
MAT 209 Math for Elementary Teachers II (3 Credit Hours)
CTE 295 Technology in Education (3 Credit Hours)
BIO 100 Life Sciences (3 Credit Hours)
ECE 202 Practicum
ECE 205 Child Development and Behavior Modification
ECE 212 Introduction to Exceptional Children
EDU 106 Introduction to Urban Education (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 107 Culturally Responsive Teaching (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 300 Quality Use of Assessment for Elementary Teachers (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 308 Reading/Math Curriculum II
EDU 340 Math/Science Education (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 350 Developmental Reading (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 352 Diagnostic and Corrective Reading (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 355 Integrated Teaching Methods I K - 3rd (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 356 Integrated Teaching Methods II 4th - 6th (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 360 Reading/Math Curriculum (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 365 Understanding the Effects of Abuse & Neglect on Young Children - Part I (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 366 Understanding the Effects of Abuse & Neglect on Young Children - Part II (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 401 The Social Impact of Trauma on Behavior Learning (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 402 Trauma Informed Classrooms (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 403 Fostering Healthy Schoolwide Climate and Culture (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 410 Teaching Writing in Elementary Grades (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 415 Data-Driven Instruction (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 494 A Student Teaching K - 3rd (3 Credit Hours)
EDU 495 B Student Teaching 4th - 6th (3 Credit Hours)
Students must complete all course requirements as well as the general education core. Any elective hours will also be required to reach the 120-hour minimum graduation requirement. Please refer to the Undergraduate Course Catalog for all course descriptions.